
Employment Defense

The law firm of St. Denis & Davey, P.A. serves the employment defense needs of automobile dealerships as well as boat and R.V. dealerships throughout the state and has actually defended cases in Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Naples, St. Pete, Tampa, Orlando, West Palm Brach, Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami as well as many other cities.

Whether the issue involved is alleged sexual harassment, a wage and hour matter, discrimination, wrongful termination, hostile work environment, retaliation, or any other type of employment-related claim, we are well prepared and ready to defend our clients' interests. We understand the administrative procedures involved in such claims, as well as the intersection of various state and federal acts that bear on employment--including Florida's Civil Rights Act, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and more.

We work with our dealership clients in reaching and drafting severance agreements, establishing workplace policies, responding to employee complaints, and a variety of other employment-related matters.

When disputes do arise, we strive to use alternative dispute resolution methods and, when appropriate, focus on early settlement. However, we are also experienced in dealing with frivolous claims, and we are well prepared to defend our clients aggressively in court when necessary. Employees have rights, but employers do, as well--and many employment-related claims require a high level of proof. Among our recent results on behalf of our clients are several victories at the summary judgment phase, denials of class action certification, and the dismissal of a case after the taking of witness depositions, for fraud on the Court.

If you need assistance in any legal matter related to employment defense for a Florida automobile, boat, or R.V. dealership, please contact us today. Act promptly to ensure that your dealership's interests are served as efficiently as possible.

Call St. Denis & Davey, P.A., at (866) 542-1996; email ; or fill out and submit our online "Contact Us" form.

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